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Published On: Fri, Jul 3rd, 2015

VIDEO! A Homeless Musician and His Cat Named Bob

VIDEO! A Homeless Musician and His Cat Named Bob

VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y7gjjwTars

A homeless musician, James Bowen, meets homeless red cat he named Bob, who changed his life forever.

One day in the subway, James saw a cat with a leg wound, likely from a fight with another cat. It was obvious that the cat needed help. James took the cat to the vet, and he eventually recovered.

James then found it impossible to say goodbye to Street Cat Bob. Bob followed James everywhere he went.

As James played the guitar on the street, Bob sat nearby and revenues increased dramatically.

James wrote a book describing their adventures on the street. In the book James says that he could not have imagined how meeting Bob would change his life forever.

Available wherever books are sold and here on Amazon:


VIDEO: Cat wins Hero “Dog” award for saving child from dog attack

Here is the amazing video!

Cat wants to play with kittens:

Cat wants to play with kittens


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