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Published On: Tue, Aug 4th, 2015

The Shemitah Warning for September 2015 Jeff Berwick with The Dollar Vigilante

The Shemitah Warning for September 2015 Jeff Berwick The Dollar Vigilante

Jeff Berwick, based in Acapulco, Mexico, has formerly been interviewed in this series. He founded the StockHouse Media Corporation in 1994 and was its CEO until 2002. He is publisher of the dollar vigilante website which went online in 2010. Back then, he predicted the complete collapse of the US Dollar and the world financial system within the next five to ten years. He thinks that we are a lot closer now. He recently predicted a massive breakdown for September 2015 based on the seven year “Shemitah cycle“

Jeff is concerned about the dependence of governments and financial market institutions on extremely low interest rates, even negative interest rates, which he calls “complete Keynesian insanity”. What is happening in Greece right now is just the beginning. It will eventually happen in other Eurozone countries like Spain, Portugal, Italy, France and in countries all around the world, including the US. Government debt in most countries has become so high that minor increases in the interest rate would lead to immediate default. The explicit US debt is above $18.3 trillion, as shown in the figure below. This however does not include implicit debt and liabilities that the US government has accumulated over the years, for example in the form of social security. Total debt and liabilities according to Jeff amount to $95 trillion.

VIDEO: Jeff Berwick on the Free Your Mind Podcast: The Shemitah and Ending Government!

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