* Recognized without hesitation for consistently accurate information


Posted By World News Directory On Wednesday, May 6th, 2015 With 0 Comments

Be Prepared, Not Scared –

Given the volatile situation we find ourselves in around the world, if you have not been prepping, it’s time to start! This is a good starting point. Be prepared for you and your family, not scared. Being dependent upon the government is a losing bet.

New Orleans Police (NOP) Rape an Innocent American Woman. American citizen’s homes are invaded and guns confiscated.

Here are the notes, links and audio files from The Health Ranger’s live broadcasts over 4 weeks showing what he believes people should do to survive. If you find it helpful let others know so they can prepare too!

Notes start with week 4 and goes backwards.

Here are the audio files to listen to for each show.

Here are the audio files for week #1:

Here are the audio files from week #2:

Here are the audio files from week #3:

Here are the audio files from week #4:

Health Ranger Live Broadcast Notes

There are TWO online videos you should watch before week 4’s presentation:
Devaluation of the dollar (with Ron Paul):

Weimar Inflation, Post WWI Germany

prepared-not-scaredNotes From Week #4:
The day will come when people holding U.S. dollars are wiped out. Do not be left holding worthless dollars when that day comes. Mark my words. That outcome is inevitable. Get out of U.S. dollar (diversify and convert to REAL things such as stocks, gold, food-producing land, etc.) using all the strategies we talked about over the last four weeks. In this coming economic crisis, the “winners” will simply be those who can minimize their losses. Many people will be financially wiped out, but you now have the solutions to make sure you are not among them.
I urge you to turn this knowledge into action now, and I leave you with this quote from Atlas Shrugged, a short speech from a character named Francisco:
“Money is the barometer of a society’s virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion – when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing – when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors – when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you – when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice – you may know that your society is doomed.” – Francisco’s money speech from Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand

Notes from Week #4:
Financial and Health Preparedness – Notes from Week #4
·         Financial update
o   Disclaimer: Work with a qualified financial advisor for ALL financial decisions. All decisions involve risk of loss.
o   Financial system now on the hyperinflation track
o   Washington is so predictable: It will print money!
o   Expect inflation of 20% – 40% per year.
o   Possible inflationary blowout by 2012 (Weimar Germany, post World War I).
o   Price controls will kick in. Possible food shortages, riots.
o   Risk of nutritional depletion.
o   Infectious disease can follow – expect possible outbreaks of infectious disease
o   Hold your gold. It will skyrocket in value in a currency hyperinflation scenario
·         Prep your health
o   Clean up diet
o   Get big stores of Vitamin D (sunshine)
o   Get lots of exercise for bone density
o   Get off prescriiption meds if you can (safely, under medical supervision)
·         Best underground medicines
o   Cansema (www.AltCancer.com) topical anti-cancer salve, ships from Ecuador
o   MMS (www.BetterMMS.com)
o   Nascent Iodine (www.IntegratedHealth.com) – boosts nervous system, protects thyroid, purifies water
o   Herbal Advantage (www.HerbalAdvantage.com) – bulk herbs
o   Baseline Nutritionals (www.BaselineNutritionals.com) – Super Viragon anti-viral tincture
o   Mountain Rose Herbs (www.MountainRoseHerbs.com) – bulk herbs, salt, oils, etc.
o   Cheaper Than Dirt (www.CheaperThanDirt.com) – hard-core survival gear, compasses, packs, etc. (ignore all their firearms)
o   SARS/Bird Flu formula: Major Blue Green Dragon formula (daily dosage), only use under qualified medical supervision, and ONLY if you are symptomatic (this is NOT a prevention formula, this is only for those already infected)
§  Symptoms: Aversion to cold, no sweating, high fever, cough, yellow phlegm, body ache, very thirsty, crave icy cold water, no appetite
§  Formula:
§  Ephedra 9g
§  Cinnamon Twig 6g
§  Fresh Ginger 9g
§  Gypsum 12g
§  Apricot Kernel 6g
§  Jujube Dates 6g
§  Honey Fried Licorice 6g
§  Boil in water, filter out the herbs, drink the water (soup).
o   Possible source:
§  High quality Chinese Herbs based in SF:
§  http://www.drkangformulas.com/herbs.htm
·         Food sources:
o   WaltonFeed.com
§  Organic quinoa: $22.20 for 88 oz. #10 can
§  Organic hulled buckwheat, brown rice, beans, grains
§  Peanut butter powder, other dried powders
§  Buckwheat groats – high protein
o   Sprouting seeds + EasyGreen.com sprouter http://www.rawveganbooks.com/index.php?cPath=316_319&ref=360
o   Nut milk bags: http://www.rawveganbooks.com/index.php?cPath=316_320_324&ref=360
o   SunWarrior preparedness protein pack: 5 kilos for $198 http://store.sunwarrior.com/Articles.asp?ID=163&Click=1209
o   Boku Superfood family size: http://shop.bokusuperfood.com/items_23.html
o   Use code NN10 to get another $10 off. Normally $179, now just $75 with the auto-ship option + coupon code.
o   Fish oils: Best source is Moxxor: www.NaturalNews.com/000002.html
o   Superfood protein: Living Fuel (www.LivingFuel.com)
·         Best survival food: Dog food.
o   Dried chicken breast strips (Dogswell).
o   The Honest Kitchen – Human-grade pet food: www.TheHonestKitchen.com
§  Sign up to their email list on their home page and receive a 10% off coupon code for 10% off your entire first order (THKNL0810)
§  Better than camping food, which is full of chemicals
§  Embark (turkey + seaweed)
§  Preference (vegetarian)
§  Thrive (chicken + quinoa)
§  Keen (most affordable)
§  10 lb. box makes 40 lbs. of fresh food
§  Don’t like it? You’re not hungry enough yet.
·         BePrepared.com (Emergency Essentials)
o   Super Supply of Freeze Dried Fruits: 15 #10 cans for $359.95
o   http://beprepared.com/product.asp?pn=FN%20Y250
o   FD Fruit and Veggie Combo: 6  #10 cans for $120.32
o   http://beprepared.com/product.asp?pn=FN%20C925
o   Mango, onions, broccoli, celery, potato, mushrooms, tomato, cheese and even meats
o   Avoid their FD “meals” – too many chemical additives
o   Katadyn Water filters, such as Pocket Water Filter:
o   http://beprepared.com/product.asp_Q_pn_E_WP%20F400_A_name_E_KATADYN%AE+Pocket%99+Water+Filter
o   Emergency kits:
o   http://beprepared.com/category.asp_Q_c_E_120_A_c2c_E_tn_A_name_E_EmergencyKits
o   (N95 mask, gloves, etc.)
·         Other essentials
o   Activated charcoal
o   Vinegar
o   Bleach
o   Borax (Mountain Rose Herbs)
o   Sea salt
o   Can even buy a salt rock lamp
o   Dried seaweed
o   Colloidal silver
o   MMS (stabilized oxygen) – BetterMMS.com
o   Vodka – potent alcohol for tinctures, first aid, etc.
o   Dr. Bronner’s soap
o   Diabetic needles, anti-viral tinctures like www.Fitura.com or make your own
o   How to make tinctures: Vodka + herbs in glass bottle, wait a week. Strain out herbs, bottle the tincture.
·         Vitacost.com
o   Exstream XR. Portable water filter.
o   http://www.vitacost.com/Katadyn-Exstream-XR-Personal-Water-Purifier-Ultralight-Series-Blue
o   Water purification tablets:
o   http://www.vitacost.com/Katadyn-Micropur-Water-Purifier-Tablets
o   Katadyn gravity water filter:
o   http://www.vitacost.com/Katadyn-TRK-Drip-Gravidyn
o   Elderberry immune boosting supplements (anti-viral)
o   Multivitamins: Synergy Platinum, individually wrapped
o   Organic superfruit juices, Smart Basics: $16.68
o   Mind-Sharp supplement
·         Mountain Rose Herbs: www.MountainRoseHerbs.com
o   Suggested health preparedness items / herbal first aid:
o   Anise star pods (shikimic acid, to make Tamiflu, against bird flu)
o   Astragalus (immune, also contains phytochemicals for longevity)
o   Bee pollen (superfood)
o   Blood root (cancer)
o   Chia seed (superfood)
o   Rhodiola (adaptogenic)
o   Essiac Blend (anti-cancer)
o   Organic sprouting seeds (can grow your own food with a sprouter)
o   Seaweeds / sea vegetables (for trace minerals)
o   Eucalyptus oils (antiseptic)
o   Ginger oil
o   Tea tree oil (antiseptic)
o   Beeswax (for making salves)
o   Bulk oils: Coconut oil unrefined, 1 gallon for $41
o   Borax (for cleaning almost anything)
o   Grapefruit Seed Extract – a preservative
o   Himalayan Pink Sea Salt: 5 lbs. for $34
o   Dead sea salt, coarse sea salt, etc.
·         Other sources
o   Indian Consumption Plant – Lomatium Dissectum (powerful anti-viral, can save your life in a pandemic)
o   HorizonHerbs.com – seeds to grow your own herbs
o   Bulk vitamin C: www.BronsonVitamins.com
§  1 kilo for $50 at http://www.bronsonvitamins.com/49A/vitamin-c-crystals-1-lb
o   Citizen Eco-Drive watch: Never needs batteries
·         Conventional medicines
o   Anti-histamines, anti-itch, antibiotics, topical toothache meds, H2O2, rubbing alcohol, antiseptics
·         Books
o   Ditch Medicine
o   When All Hell Breaks Loose by Cody Lundin
·         Water storage
o   Condoms for portability
o   MMS for stabilizing the water
o   Use water storage containers from www.BePrepared.com
How to afford all this? You can buy a LOT of this stuff through ShopToEarth, which is a new direct sales company that pays you back to shop online. Participating companies include Dr. Bronner’s, Nutiva and even Brigade Quartermasters (action gear). NaturalNews is also a broker. Call Suzy K at 209-710-8299 or email suzyk@naturalnews.com to sign up or learn more. You can earn cash back on quite a lot of preparedness gear.

Notes from Week #3:
Financial and Health Preparedness – Notes from Week #3

·         Leave-the-country strategy:
o   Learn Spanish!
o   Countries of consideration: Panama, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Mexico
o   Ecuador
§  Can survive a complete collapse of ALL infrastructure.
§  They make their own tools, food, medicine.
§  Safety, money supply, water, food, climate, lowlands vs. highlands
§  The money you have goes a LONG way. Ten times as long on the same savings.
§  Politically more stable now due to new Constitution
§  Resources: Food, fuel, water, solar, gold. All plentiful
§  Vilcabamba is the valley of longevity (www.Vilcabambahomes.com)
§  Independent Ecuador real estate promoter: Gary Scott (GaryScott.com)
§  Lots of NN readers in Ecuador now.
§  Residency: Buy land worth $25,000 or more to qualify.
§  Gas is $1.40 per gallon. Avocados are 30 cents each. A little money goes a long way.
§  Keep a U.S. income, live on the cheap in Ecuador.
§  Affordable labor for cook, gardener, etc.
§  Come early. Don’t be part of the rush.
§  Immigration could be limited if the U.S. has a national emergency. Countries don’t want U.S. refugees! (Imagine people trying to sneak into Mexico!)
o   Once you get there, start stockpiling water, seeds, etc. Same strategy as in the U.S.
o   Make strong connections with local community. Sponsor students. Hire people. Be part of their economy.
o  Travel idea: Have a letter from your lawyer that says you are traveling with “natural products” known to cause false positives with portable NIK drug tests. If they try to test your drugs, show them the letter and threaten to sue them for civil rights violations.

Notes on WATER (from previous email)
WATER is the single most important resources to think about for preparedness, and that means having the capability to filter water without using electricity. Below, I offer you several links and videos about Katadyn water products that I have personally used and recommend. I even own a Katadyn Expedition filter that pumps enough water for a small village.
You need to know about this company and its products, so take a look at the videos and product names I’m recommending below. I’ve also included an item from a different company: The Triton M2 Water Purifier (see below). You can find most of these at www.REI.com or www.Amazon.com or www.BrigadeQM.com or other camping and outdoors websites.

Katadyn Company Profile:

Katadyn Exstream XR (about $48)

Katadyn KFT Expedition Water Filter (about $1200)

Katadyn Base Camp Water Filter (about $54)


Aside from water, one of your most important resources is HEAT. How will you create heat to boil water or keep yourself warm? One of the most basic tools in any preparedness kit should be a basic fire starter.
I’ve played around with numerous fire starters, and the single most effective one I’ve ever owned is the Blastmatch. You need to get one, if you don’t already have one:

Blastmatch (about $22)

Get this important book on urban survival
There’s also a new book you need to know about that’s barely a year old. It’s called When All Hell Breaks Loose, and it’s a modern, practical guide to urban survival during hard times: Riots, Martial Law, pandemics, natural disasters, etc. This book will sell out soon, I’m quite sure. Grab your copy now through my Amazon store, which benefits the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center. It costs $13.57:

– Mike

Notes from Week #2

·         Beware of the next waves of bankruptcies: Corporations, governments, bonds
·         Beware of a terrible Christmas season (economically speaking)
·         Expect new bankruptcies in January and throughout 2009
·         Government pension are NOT safe (states, cities and nations are going bankrupt)
·         Why you need a safe haven plan
·         How to be safe where you are right now
o   Protect your money against currency hyperinflation
o   Avoid riots, avoid civil unrest
o   Obey all law enforcement and military, do not resist
o   Avoid violence
o   Have a decoy stash in your home in case of confiscation
o   Be prepared to hand over decoy quantities of guns and gold
o   Have extra food stash to share with soliders, law enforcement (candy bars, etc.) but HIDE your real stash
o   Share with neighbors if they share with you. Beware of alerting everyone to your level of preparedness.
·         Have a GO bag
o   Passport
o   Cash
o   1/10 oz. gold coins
o   Water purification tablets (Katadyn Micropur)
o   Exstream XR Personal Water Purifier (Katadyn) at www.VitaCost.com
o   Raw nuts, protein bars, multivitamins
o   Dr. Bronner’s soap + personal care items.
o   Cell phone. Freeplay “Companion” dynamo radio
o   Freeplay dynamo LED light – “Indigo”
o   First aid kit, magnesium fire starter, mirror, compass
o   Socks, toothbrush, contact lenses, etc.
o   Basic OTC medications: Painkillers, anti-itch, antibiotics, etc.
o   Duct tape, superglue
o   Pocket knife, fork, spoon, cup, tweezers
o   Check out the Maxpedition packs
·         Stay home strategy
o   Avoid inner cities
o   Avoid multi-housing units
o   Consider infrastructure failures: Water, electricity, food, fuel, emergency services, health care, communications
o   Consider the preparedness of your neighbors and the civility of your neighborhood
o   “Civilized” neighborhoods break down in 48 hours.
o   Store LOTS of water: Plastic bottles, cartons, barrels, etc.
o   Own a Katadyn gravity filter to purify stored water. Can keep it stable with H2O2, or a few drops of plain bleach, or ginger juice
o   Buy deadbolt locks for the door, use the door-jamming devices to prevent kick-ins
o   Own lots of dried superfoods. Human-grade dog food: TheHonestKitchen.com
o   Dried quinoa at WaltonFeed.com
o   Have fish oil capsules for Vitamin D. (Best is Moxxor or LivingFuel Super Essentials)
o   Consider heat or AC. How will you heat? Indoor heating is dangerous.
o   Candles are dangerous. Indoor stoves dangerous.
o   Consider: LEDs, flashlights, lanterns. But light attracts attention!
o   Solar battery charger + spare NiMH batteries (Imedion, others).
o   Best flashlight: Smith & Wesson Luxeon Rebel 5-Watt Tactical Flashlight (Amazon.com)
§  Strike element
§  LED lights
§  Common batteries, not special batteries
§  Doesn’t look like a weapon
o   Consider how you will boil water. What is heat source for cooking?
o   Weapons: Don’t own weapons unless you know how to use them.
o   Mace is useless.
o   Guard dog = Good idea. Share your Honest Kitchen food with your guard dog.
o   Plywood and signs “You loot, we shoot.” Says it all.
o   Strategy: Avoid attention. Lay low. Don’t flash bling, money or gold.
o   Stay informed via radio.
o   Don’t trust people at the door. Demand positive identification or don’t answer the door at all.
o   Have safety drill for the family.
o   Avoid going to “safety camps” with National Guard or troops. Try to hide in your home. They will move on. If you have food, water, etc., you will be safer at home than in a “safety camp.”
o   Be calm, not threatening. Cooperate with authorities if you cannot avoid them.
·         Leave the country strategy
o   (Coming next)

New report: How to Build Your Financial Safety Net

I’ve just posted a new special report that’s a must-read for anyone concerned about their financial survival in the post-bailout economy.

The report URL is: http://www.naturalnews.com/Report_Financial_Safety_Net_0.html

The report focuses on strategies for creating your own independent revenue streams using various business ideas and online resources. You’ll find it to be loaded with valuable information. Check it out.

In that report, I repeat my 80 / 20 prediction on the global financial situation. Right now, it’s crucial that you work to protect your savings and, if possible, create a new income stream that YOU control.

– Mike Adams
The Health Ranger

Long-Term Storable Organic Quinoa (and other organic food products)
www.WaltonFeed.com (Note from me. Walton Feed is  back ordered for 12 weeks at least. I got my organic Quinoa from www.quinoa.net in a few days and it’s cheaper $66 for 25 lbs plus shipping)

Water Filters: KATADYN brand only!
GOLD coins:
Gary Carlson
Cody Coin Company
Phone numbers:

307-527-5347 Richard early mornings > 7:45AM Mountain time
307-527-6885 AEICCC shop > 10:15AM until 11:30AM Mountain time
281-300-0608 Gary’s cell if other numbers don’t work, only after 10:00AM Central time.

Note: Gary expects gold could fluctuate a LOT in the next couple of years, and could even drop to as low as $600 before skyrocketing to many thousands of dollars per ounce.
Gold mining companies recommended by Stephen Leeb (read disclaimer below):
Silver companies:
Leeb recommends being prepared to hold these for 3-5 years. There will be volatility, ups and downs. Gold could actually go DOWN in the short term, depending on what happens, but long term, he believes the trend is up.
Click here to subscribe to The Complete Investor  (Stephen Leeb’s newsletter… HIGHLY recommended to stay informed about what’s coming wih financial markets…)
Properties in Ecuador: (the San Joaquin ranch)
Everbank Debt-Free Currency Fund:

Note from Nicky Nelson: Mike Adams returned to the states and no longer lives in Vilcabamba. I have never used Everbank and I never recommend holding anything but physical precious metals. 

This is one of the first paid prepper courses I took years ago, the links and info may be dated, however, I highly recommend this course to everybody.  

DISCLAIMER: ALL INVESTMENTS INVOLVE SOME RISK. Mike Adams is not a financial advisor. No information offered in this presentation is meant to replace the advice of a competent financial advisor. All participants in this event do so AT YOUR OWN RISK. The information is offered AS-IS, without any guarantee of accuracy. No financial decisions should be made without first consulting competent financial advisors and considering your unique financial needs. In no event shall Mike Adams, nor NaturalNews, nor TruthPublishing be responsible for financial gains or losses incurred by participants of this event. ALL FINANCIAL DECISIONS INVOLVE RISK. The opinions expressed by Mike Adams are NOT considered mainstream opinions. If you do not agree with these terms, do NOT listen to the event, and request an immediate refund of your full purchase price.
– Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

We recommend visiting www.naturalnews.com for more updated prepper courses for sale by The Health Ranger!

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